luni, 4 septembrie 2017

Off Topic - Architectural visions of the United Nations



The site of new UN Headquarters as it looked in August 1946, about one month after the demolition work had began. General view, looking south, of the Manhattan site of the United Nations permanent headquarters, at an early stage of demolition work. East River is at left, First Avenue at right.
The decision to locate the United Nations in New York City was made in London by the General Assembly at its first session on 14 February 1946, after offers and suggestions for permanent sites had been received from many parts of the world. An offer by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. was accepted by a large majority of the General Assembly on 14 December 1946. New York City completed the site parcel by additional gifts of property. The site chosen by the United Nations was a run-down area of slaughterhouses, light industry and a railroad barge landing. A $65 million plan for the construction of the site was approved by the General Assembly on 20 November 1947. To finance construction, the US Government made an interest-free loan of $65 million to the UN. This amount had been repaid by 1982.

New scale model of the proposed permanent Headquartersof the United Nations. Designed by the Board of Design Consultants of the United Nations Headquarters Planning Office, the model of the future seat of the United Nations to be erected on the Manhattan East River site was approved by the General Assembly.

Charles Le Corbusier, France, Architect on the 10-member Board of Design Consultants assisting Wallace K. Harrison, Director of Planning in the development of architectural plans for the building of United Nations permanent Headquarters on the East River site, at microphone, recording broadcast.


Date: 01/04/1947
Wallace K. Harrison, fourth from left in background, Chief Planner for United Nations Headquarters, pictured before the preliminary models with members of the 10-man Board of Design Consultants and other consultants appointed to assist him in drawing up plans for the construction of UN Permanent Headquarters on the Manhattan East River site. Board members standing in foreground are, left to right: Ssu-Cheng Liang, China; Oscar Niemeyer, Brazil; Nikolai Bassov, USSR; and Ernest Cormier, Canada. In second row, from left to right: Sven Markelius, Sweden; Charles Le Corbusier, France; Board Member Bodiansky, France, engineer, consultant to Director; Mr. Harrison; G.A. Foilleux, Ausralian Board Member; Max Abramowitz, United States; Director of Planning and consultants Ernest Weismann, Yugoslavia; Antoniades, Greece, and Matthew Nowicki, Poland. [RKO Building]. April 1947.

Cornerstone Laying Ceremony Marks United Nations' Fourth Birthday
The cornerstone of the United Nations Permanent Headquarters was laid on United Nations Day, 24 October, at a special open-air General Assembly meeting held on the site of the Headquarters building in Manhattan, New York. The ceremony, marking the Fourth Anniversary of the United Nations, was attended by President Harry S. Truman who was the principal speaker. Secretary-General Trygve Lie deposited in the stone copies of the United Nations Charter and of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


Cornerstone Laying Ceremony Marks United Nations' Fourth Birthday
General view of public attending the ceremony.


Cornerstone Laying Ceremony Marks United Nations' Fourth Birthday
General view of public attending the ceremony.


Demolition Begins on United Nations Permanent Headquarters
During brief ceremony at which demolition of present structures on the United Nations Permanent site was begun, Byron Price, United States, Assistant Secretary-General for Administrative and Financial Services, extreme left, Hugo Rogers, center, Manhattan Borough President, and William O'Dwyer, Mayor of the City of New York, remove the first dozen bricks from a boarded up five-story tenement building.

UN Headquarters Planning Office. Architects model #23-A.


Interim Headquarters of the United Nations
 Exterior view or the Central Hall, London, site of the first part of the First Session of the United Nations General Assembly. The Assembly held its first meeting on January 10, 1946.

Pinch and HAP
News Item: New United nations Headquarters building to be equipped with more than 2,000 individual air conditioning units to protect health of workers recruited form widely different climatic and temperature zones.
Punch: I hear they can't even get together on the temperature they want in there...
Pinch: What's the difference - so long as they figure out some way to keep on working in the same building?

Model for the Economic and Social Chamber
Mr. Sven Markelius (extreme left), well know Swedish architect, presents his suggestion for the Economic and Social Chamber at the new U.N. Headquarters to (l. to r.): Mr. Wallace Harrison, of U. S.A., Mr. Jacques Carlu, of France, and Mr. Howard Robertson, of U.K., members of the U.N. Art Advisory Board. On this picture, the model is seen from the Gallery end, showing the large 'Window behind the Council table.

Vrem Nu Vrem......

10 May 1916 the Romanian National Day

The Romanian celebrations of National Day – 10 May 1916 – cavalry passing in review before King Ferdinand. Being in the nature of a military review the Romanian National Day celebrations were mainly of a warlike character. The war in which Europe was involved gave that year a wider significance than before. The celebrations were mainly in the nature of a ‘preparedness for war’ demonstration.

A mobile anti-aircraft battery in the Romanian demonstration.

Romania’s entry into the Great War, 27 August 1916. King Ferdinand’s Proclamation

In ziua de 14/27 august 1916, a avut loc Consiliul de Coroana care a decis intrarea României în Primul Razboi Mondial, alaturi de Antanta, într-o conventie politica si una militara. În aceeasi zi, România a declarat razboi Imperiului Austro-Ungar.

Consiliul de Coroana a avut loc la Palatul Cotroceni, în prezen?a Regelui Ferdinand I. La consiliu s-a decis mobilizarea generala. A doua zi, în seara de 15/28 spre 16/29 august, Capitala a fost atacata. Regina Maria si copiii s-au retras la Buftea, iar Regele Ferdinand cu Principele Carol la Scrovistea.


    The war which for the last two years has been encircling our frontiers more and more closely has shaken the ancient foundations of Europe to their depths.

    It has brought the day which has been awaited for centuries by the national conscience, by the founders of the Romanian State, by those who united the Principalities in the war of independence, by those responsible for the national renaissance.

    It is the day of the union of all branches of our nation.  Today we are able to complete the task of our forefathers and to establish forever that which Michael the Great was only able to establish for a moment, namely, a Romanian union on both slopes of the Carpathians.

    For us the mountains and plains of Bukowina, where Stephen the Great has slept for centuries.  In our moral energy and our valour lie the means of giving him back his birthright of a great and free Romania from the Tisza to the Black Sea, and to prosper in peace in accordance with our customs and our hopes and dreams.

    Romanians! Animated by the holy duty imposed upon us, and determined to bear manfully all the sacrifices inseparable from an arduous war, we will march into battle with the irresistible élan of a people firmly confident in its destiny.  The glorious fruits of victory shall be our reward. Forward, with the help of God!

FERDINAND I (28 August 1916)

27 August 1916: Following Romania’s war declaration on Austria-Hungary, Germany announced that she was also at war with Romania. Romania’s decision was reached at a meeting of the Crown Council, summoned by King Ferdinand.

First Scenes since the Declaration of War by King Ferdinand

The Crown Prince Carol talking to a group of veterans who fought for Romania in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78.

After the Declaration of War – the departure of a Romanian regiment for the front. The Crown Prince Carol of Romania (right, second) watches the men of a regiment of infantry proceeding on active service as they march through the streets on their way to the front.

The Queen of Romania & Prince Nicholas (r) visit a hospital in Bucharest.

The Metropolitan followed by his clergy, leaves the church after a solemn Te Deum for the victory of the Allies.

King Ferdinand of Romania October 1916

Members of King Ferdinand’s personal staff

The royal guards drawn up in front of the Scroviste residence. The letters, RF, figure on the shoulder straps of the tunic.

King Ferdinand of Romania driving from the Royal military headquarters, October 1916. The King acts as his own chauffeur when occasions arise. Beside him is Prince Carol. The car is of a powerful, for those times, touring type with external brake levers. Behind is the  pillared portico of the royal hunting lodge from Scroviste, near Bucharest. These are one of the first photographs of the monarch and his staff taken after Romania entered the First World War (August 1916).

Changing guard at the royal headquarters (October 1916)

Pictures and captions from Thank You!

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